is the hometown scribe, the keeper of history and the weekly chronicle of shared experiences in more than 50 communities in northern central New Jersey. No other local news source provides the well-educated residents of these, highly affluent towns with the in-depth information they need to lead their lives. We are proud that our paid-circulation hometown newspapers are as distinct as the communities they cover and as local as the neighbors who read them.

Our 17 community newspapers circulate in New Jersey’s “wealth belt”: Somerset, Hunterdon, Morris and Essex counties. Our readers enjoy one of the highest household incomes in the state, and the nation.

Our total paid circulation is 50,954, with additional free circulation of 42,131.

Through an array of well-written, award-winning publications, a mix of Internet products and services, and a growing list of niche publications, we are equipped to meet your advertising objectives. Each week, New Jersey Hills Media Group reaches a substantial audience of prospective customers that can’t be serviced through any other newspaper source. Whether you are looking to promote a sale, celebrate an expansion, enhance your image or maintain relationships with customers, New Jersey Hills Media Group can help you meet your business goals.

We’re the gateway to your community.

*CAC Audit

**Pulse Research